I just finished recording two interviews for two different web summits. This is amazing because I was so busy speaking and running my own workshops in January, that I didn’t have any time to do reach-outs for more speaking gigs and webinars. What happened, however, was in January, two women reached out to me, saying they found me online, and wanted to interview me on their summits. I didn’t have to do anything but set the intention that I wanted to be speaking more and be more visible, and they came to me.
I have my vision board for 2018 in front of my desk, and it has different images on it that show me being worldwide, all over the map, and catapulting my business. When you set an intention and have a compelling vision, things will automatically come to you that you weren’t expecting. Yes, you still have to do the work! Not everything will drop into your lap. As Jim Carrey says, you can’t just visualize and then go eat a sandwich, you have to put in work, too. But when you set an intention for your life and business, and have a strong vision, and you work towards it, the Universe responds and sends you unexpected gifts.
I hope this inspired you to get more clear on what you want to create in your life and business, to make a vision board, and to get to work making your dreams happen!
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