A lot of people get stuck in the “how” of creating what we desire-the beach house, the 6 or 7-figure income, traveling the world. We get stuck in the reality of what it might take to create what we want, and we forget to imagine and dream about what it would be like to have those things you deeply desire.
I want you to be a possibilitarian. I want you to ask yourself, “what if?” What if that IS possible? What if I CAN create that?
And think about WHY you want those things you dream of. What will that 6 or 7-figure income give you? Freedom? Weekly massages? World travel? A beach house? Get into the FEELING of what it would feel like to have those things you desire.
What if I could take a year off and travel the world? What if I could help thousands of people with my business? What if, what if, what if???
Constantly be thinking of the possibilities, don’t get stuck in the “how.” When you dream and vision the things you want to create in your life, the how will fall into your life. You will attract exactly what you need to make your vision come true, when you stop focusing on the how, and focus on the possibilities.
In order to have all you desire and continue to focus on the possibilities, you need support. I am here to give that to you. I invite you to join my FREE Stand Up and Shine Confidence Challenge on Facebook at www.erinsumm.com/confidencechallenge