My Journey from Shy to Confidence + The Power of Intention
Years ago as I started on my journey to Shy to Confident, I decided it was more important for me to step out of my comfort zone to gain confidence, to do things I never would have done before, to gain confidence, to create the life of my dreams. I knew I wasn’t destined to work an office job my whole life, that I was put on this planet for a reason and that I was destined for more. I couldn’t do that as a shy person.
I went on a journey to gain confidence so I could make a bigger difference in the world. Over the past several years, I have become a life coach, speaker, trainer, workshop leader, author.
This year I have two major intentions. #1 is to grow my coaching business in a huge way and #2 is to find love. I have it on my vision board and I have been focusing on both and visualizing having them.
A week ago I got a message from my friend, who’s a dating coach, asking me if I would be willing to be one of three “bachelorettes” on TV, where one would get picked to go on some dates. A year ago, just thinking about being on TV would have been so scary I would have likely said no. And thinking about going on a LIVE ON TV DATE would have terrified me. But I jumped right in. It was scary, and I was nervous, but I knew it would take me to bigger places.
The newscaster even asked me if I’d like to do some segments about my business, so no matter how it turns out on the finding love front, I will come out better on the other side, having conquered some fears which will help me play a bigger game this year and into the future.
I stretched myself, I took a huge leap out of my comfort zone.
My message for you today is no matter how shy you are, or how much confidence you lack, keep your dreams and vision in front of you and in focus, and things will just drop into your lap. Just keep going, don’t stop reaching for bigger and better.
I’d love to have you join me in my FREE Confidence Challenge too, to help you get past your fears, gain confidence and shine your bright beautiful light in the world. Join here…