You are not alone. As entrepreneurs we tend to think we need to do it by ourselves. A lot of us work from home and we don’t have that regular connection with other human beings, which is really important. Sometimes we get afraid to ask for help because we think that being vulnerable and asking for help makes us look weak, but that’s not true at all. Asking for help is a sign of strength.
We get so starved for connection as entrepreneurs and solopreneurs when we work from home, don’t ask for help or have that community around us. Please don’t allow yourself to be alone in your business. Ask for help. It takes a village. In fact, you can’t do it alone.
The more you serve and the more you give, the more connection, support and community you are going to receive. A lot of times we think that if we give too much information for free that people aren’t going to want to pay us, that we need to hold something back in order to get those clients. That’s a lack mentality.People are going to hire you because they want to be with you, not because you have some secret information you’re hiding until they pay you the big bucks.
If that sounds like you, I invite you to change your thinking. Just give, give, give, give, give, give so much value and so much information, because when you give more, people see how much you’re willing to give, the more they’re going to be attracted to and want to come work with you.
And in return, you are not going to feel as alone as you might feel now, working from home being by yourself. But you have to be willing to receive. You’re a giver, you’re in business because you want to help others, but you have to be willing to receive to get clients, serve more, create more income and make a bigger impact.
The more you give, the more people will want to be in your community and support you in return. And the more positivity, goodness, community and love you will have, as well as a much more impactful business.
You are not alone. You have people in your life who love you and want to support you. And if you don’t, I encourage you to ask for support. Find some networking groups that you can go to regularly and connect with people, build those relationships, join those masterminds or get a coach or mentor. Get involved with those groups where you can be supported and you can support others as well. Find a place that you feel like you’re in a community, where you’re not alone.
I have several options of working with me, and I would love to invite you to have a complimentary Bold Breakthrough call with me, to see where you are stuck, breakthrough those blocks and get you on the path to being more bold and confident. I’ve had women have massive breakthroughs with just ONE call with me. You’ve got nothing to lose, and confidence to gain from talking with me.
If you could gain confidence, grow your business and make more money, why not take an hour to talk with me??
Or maybe the Bold Retreat in Tahoe interests you? I want to invite you to get more information. Just click here and sign up to receive more information and we can have a phone call about it. No pressure, I PROMISE! The retreat and my programs are a really great way to get past your road blocks, to take a great leap outside your comfort zone, and learn how to be successful and how to break down those blocks, fears and those limiting beliefs. You need to eliminate those in order to achieve more money, more love, more opportunities and more joy in your life. Let me help you!
Schedule your Bold Breakthrough call here…